Howard for Sheriff

Wake County Sheriff Candidate Completes the NC General Instructor Certification
Friday, November 5th 2021, 3:33 PM

Tivon Howard Earns General Instructor Certification from the North Carolina Commission

Zebulon, United States - November 5, 2021 / Howard for Sheriff /

Raising the Bar to Serve Wake County as the Next Sheriff

The greatest aspirations all Wake County citizens have today is community safety, preserving constitutional rights for all and true leadership demonstrated by actions instead of words. This precipitates positive transformation. As the county prepares for the election of a new sheriff in November 2022, Tivon Howard adds another ‘feather to his cap’ in his preparation for the primary and general elections for Wake County Sheriff. Here’s an insight into Tivon’s recent General instructor certification from the NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission

Sergeant Howard’s Vision

Wake County Sheriff CandidatesTivon Howard’s vision is to transform the streets and communities of Wake County, where crime and violence have been rising steadily under the current sheriff, into a safe place again with a strong, constitutional approach to law enforcement and bold leadership in administration. He aims to enhance the training and effectiveness of the deputies tasked with upholding law and order in the county while bringing innovative recruiting strategies to the Wake County Sheriff’s office. His recent completion of the General Instructor Course and subsequent certification as a General Instructor is proof of his dedication to securing the safety of the citizens and imparting the training to WCSO deputies effectively. 

Come November 2022, the citizens of Wake County will vote for their next Sheriff. Tivon Howard understands what the citizens need and has all the requisite skills and experience for the actual job as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Wake County North Carolina. “Now is not the time for the next sheriff to be learning on the job. The next sheriff has a lot of ground to cover quickly as crime and threats to public safety have skyrocketed and the current sheriff has taken an ambivalent approach at best.”

The Commission

Tivon Howard for Wake County SheriffThe North Carolina Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commission and the Criminal Justice Education & Training Standards Commission regulate the training and certification of sheriffs’ deputies, law enforcement officers, corrections officers, and juvenile justice officers.

The North Carolina Justice Academy provides basic, intermediate, and advanced training for law enforcement officers on topics including anti-terrorism, community-oriented policing, criminal investigation, traffic crash investigation, firearms, self-defense, and management and supervision.

The Law Enforcement Liaison Section of the Department of Justice provides legal guidance and technical assistance to state and local law enforcement agencies. It serves as legal counsel to the Standards Commissions; SBI’s Division of Criminal Information; Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission; and North Carolina Company Police Program.

The Certification

The certification enables qualified instructors to teach on Commission-accredited courses in their specialized areas. This includes remaining current in the area of expertise by completing all instructor updates issues by the Commission. 

Sgt. Howard has been certified as an instructor by the Commission and has exhibited a combination of education in criminal justice and proficiency in the instructional process to the satisfaction of the Commission to be awarded the certification. He became eligible for the general Instructor certification and will teach 8 hours in a Commission-approved course during the probationary year. He applied for General Instructor Certification within the 12 month expiration period at the Standards Division to be considered for the General Instructor certification.

Sgt. Howard was deemed eligible for the general Instructor certification as per the standards laid out by the Commission: 

  • High school diploma or GED,
  • Four years of practical experience as a criminal justice officer or as an administrator or specialist in a field directly related to the criminal justice system;
  • Successful completion of a Commission-certified instructor training program; and
  • Applications for General Instructor Certification must be submitted to the Standards Division within 60 days of the date the applicant successfully passed the state comprehensive examination administered after the instructor course.

Tivon Howard is preparing to lead Wake County into an era of safety and security. Are you ready?

A New Sheriff Elected By the People

Tivon Howard is determined to lead Wake County into a future that is bright, prosperous, and safe for all people who call Wake County, NC home and for all who visit as well.

To learn more about the Tivon Howard for Wake County Sheriff campaign, please visit 

Top Candidate for Wake County Sheriff 2022

Tivon Howard for Wake County Sheriff

Contact Information:

Howard for Sheriff

300 E. Horton St.
Zebulon, NC 27597
United States

Tivon Howard
(919) 444-8994

Original Source:


Tivon Howard brings with him twenty years of law enforcement experience, as well as, several years of military experience. He has devoted his life to both community and country. His personal life is no different.


Tivon Howard
Howard for Sheriff

300 E. Horton St.
Zebulon, NC, 27597, United States


Phone (919) 444-8994


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